Friday 29 June 2007

Summer Mornings 1 of 2

I should be carrying my camera with me when I take Laya out for her morning walk. I had to hurry back and leave her in the bedroom to take these pictures. She did not like it! These are pictures of a heavily humid Florida summer morning. I had to keep rubbing the condensed mist off my lens, but I still managed to get a natural 'glow effect' with the little bit of condensation between shots.

You dont really need a fireplace in Florida. My apartment complex provides one as a 'luxury' anyway!


Monika said...

Hey there! I’m really glad that I found your blog, it’s amazing! i really enjoy reading your posts! Can we link each other? can you post an answer into my blog „everyday glamour“?
ChiliLady from Austria

Abhishek said...
