I tried the antique look again. This time on a picture of my cousin on her wedding day with her husband and baby.
The first picture is the original, the second is cross processed using nEO iMAGING. I havent bought the software yet, so you will notice the software's signature on the top left corner. The third picture is a sepia tone. I work with Picasa (because it is free), and have just done the sepia tone adjustment and a slight auto contrast/highlight. Nothing fancy.

This is a multi exposure of all three pictures. Not having photoshop, I do not have the ability to adjust the transparency of the layers as preferred by Rich Legg. I used Picasa's trusty 'Multi-exposure' under the 'Collage' button. Anyway, here is the outcome:
And here is a multi-exposure using just the original and the sepia tone version:
I like the second one better. It has the rustic look that I am looking for. You can notice it in the greens, they have turned slightly brown but not enough to look dusty. I do like the dusty effect too, as commanded by Roger Deakins to simulate a dusty southern summer.